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Hello there!  I do have a pretty good excuse for not writing for such a long time ….

I have just returned from an amazing holiday, the longest that I have ever had!  It included a 31 night cruise around South America, from Los Angeles to Rio de Janiero.  Of all the wonderful things about a cruise, and there is just so much to enjoy no matter what your preferences might be, I love the fact that I can take a couple of hours on each sea day to sit and stitch with the luxury of beautiful views to glance up at.

Here is the evidence of my diligence ….

Proof of my diligence!

Proof of my diligence!


I had so many lovely conversations with passers who were kind enough to show an interest in what I was doing.  I suspect I may have become known as the “stitching lady”, and referred to with a wink and a tap to the side of the nose!

I have had fun playing with EPP patterns and mixing it up with my chintzes.  I wish now that I had started with a more definite vision, but I will try to take things as they come and enjoy what develops.  I will probably take more care with the colour and pattern choices going forward, but have to admit that experimentation provides a great learning experience.  I am looking forward to playing some more! I am thinking of making up a sort of spot motif sampler quilt on a natural linen coloured background and using one or two of the luscious chintz borders.  Funnily enough though, I do not have as much time now that I am back into the daily grind.  Must start planning my next holiday ….

My homecoming was made somewhat easier by two things though – lots of luscious new fabrics for the store (https://www.etsy.com/shop/Motifsbyhand?ref=si_shop) including:

Little Provencales

Les Oiseaux

Les Petits Bouquets

Les Mottes

And, best of all, I will be seeing my daughter and grandchildren over the upcoming Australia Day long weekend! Yay!!

Thank you for visiting.  One of my resolutions for 2014 is to be a better blogger.  And … please …. any suggestions for making up my EPP into a stunning quilt will be gratefully accepted.

See y’all soon.


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